It is possible that you will make innovative changes in your home environment during this time, and you will require that it be more emotionally satisfying. Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision youve come to. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. The ability to grasp intellectual concepts is high right now. Now is the time to revel in your innermost feelings. You have to be able to exercise total freedom in your emotional self-expression. Daydreaming, visualization, and prophecy are stimulated. This transit will occur only once every 84 years and is therefore usually a once-in-a-lifetime transit. Impulsive communications and hasty decision-making are things to watch for now. Future-oriented thinking, open-mindedness, and flashes of insight give the potential for psychic abilities. If youre a genius or a great personality, this is an outstanding period of your life; if you are an ordinary mortal, you have to look out for expressing the temperament of genius without getting its results or meriting its rewards. *With confidence and courage, you assert yourself boldly. Uranus surprises, jolts, and stimulates. Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. For example, you might be given the third degree, or you could badger someone yourself! *Sudden changes and upsets are likely in your domestic life. Pie in the sky thinking is likely. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. Electricity is in your head and probably the rest of your body. You are likely more interested in talking about yourself than in listening to others. Games, sports, dancing, music, joking, and other lively entertainments are highlighted. As Uranus transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its own special wisdom upon the point in questionthe areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point. Avoid impulsivity and stubbornness. Responsibilities that you readily accepted in the past now begin to feel overwhelming. Conscious reasoning can be distorted by subconscious matter, however, so concentrating on cold hard facts can be challenging. +A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general lifes purpose. These are much more significant transits that could bring breakthroughs in understanding and getting past previous limitations or traumatic experiences. Speed reader, fast learner, high-speed talker. Technical support mercury transit uranus, mercury transit natal uranus, mercury sextile uranus synastry, mercury sextile uranus transit, mercury sextile uranus composite, mercury sextile uranus natal chart, mercury sextile uranus relationship, mercury sextile uranus leo, mercury sextile uranus scorpio, mercury sextile uranus cancer, mercury sextile uranus virgo, mercury sextile uranus scorpio, composite mercury sextile uranus. Thoughts race through your mind at such an incredible speed that you cant keep up. Dont hang on stubbornly to an old familiar situation just for the sake of security. Your intellect is like an invisible pencil and registers all our actions or even thoughts Do you think its harder to have a Mercury-Neptune aspect in this day and age than Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). You may feel emotions of a religious nature. Tasks may be left undone or interrupted. Speaking with a parent or elder and getting their perspective, or working something with them, is also useful now. Transiting Uranus conjunct natal Mercury. Your mind is neither peaceful nor harmonious under this influence, and irritable tempers, sarcastic speech, and dogmatism are negative expressions of this energy. *Good practical job-related thoughts and ideas. Your thinking is fanciful now. When transiting Mercury is sextile your natal Uranus: You may find a solution to an important problem through creative thinking. Other people irritate you because they move at a slower pace. This is an excellent time to plan lively get-togethers and parties, especially with close friends or family. Uranus Sextile Mercury Uranus is in a sextile to Pluto. Negotiations are in order, and you might feel a strong need for feedback from a significant other or special friend. You dont endure routine at these times and are willing to take risks. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. +A tendency to act suddenly, without thought or consideration. Opportunities come from being on the cutting edge-wherever that is for you. Mercury square Uranus Uranus takes approximately 84 years to come full circle. Sometimes, changes seem to be coming from the outside but are usually a reflection of your own inner discontent with the routines and responsibilities in your life. Increased physical and emotional distress or anxiety, as you try to adjust to the waves of inner and outer change in your life. The mind plugs into the universal and receives knowledge from a larger domain. Nervous tension is possible. However, it is more likely now than usual to hear criticism or news that makes you tense. Mercury opposition Saturn An insight about your support system, your mother, or other females may be important. You can visualize in broader terms and see the big picture now. Ceres Transit Aspects; Lilith Transit Aspects; Transit Juno in Houses; Transit Ceres in Houses; Transit Lilith in Houses; Transit Vesta in Houses; Menu. And, like training wheels on a kids bike, you are now ready to dump it. Its a strong period for objective observation and discussion. Consider that some situations call for keeping silent if only for the time being. *You are in a loving, generous, helpful mood during this time period. This can be an exciting period of your life that is filled with change and stimulation. You love physical activity and adventure now. You could find a teacher or guide, a new approach to your career, and so on. +Insights and breakthroughs regarding career. An inner struggle between your sense of purpose or direction and a need for independence and freedom makes this a possibly tense time. Mercury conjunct Midheaven The desire to daydream is high, and often at the expense of productivity and clear communication. In addition, we offer 1001 free astrology articles (read archives from 2009). April 14, 2026 You might make a verbal connection with a female, your mother, or a person from your past now. You may not think like they do or may find that your thoughts even run opposite to theirs. Along the way, you will learn new things and meet new people. And Mercury is not the only planet that is paying a visit to Uranus. ), you could feel extremely restless and tied down. You might meet with people, or communicate with others, who dont share your perspective. Solve old problems in a new way. Surfing the Internet allows you to pick up information while not getting bored. You could change jobs or suddenly find a way to transform and improve your current job. Your communications may get lost or are misunderstood. You can also be quite sensitive to changes to methods, routines, and traditions in your life at this time. You may feel freer to explore different perspectives and viewpoints. *Your job and career advance very nicely now. Mercury trine Pluto You might receive some interesting offers now. This transit can be very difficult on marriages, especially if one partner is playing a submissive role. Bursts conventional systems of thought. Mercurys transits to your natal Uranus are marked by surprise and open-mindedness. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology. The transits of Mercury to planets and points in the natal chart are relatively brief influences, lasting approximately a day. This is a time when you are bound to discover information that you need at just the right time. New, innovative, unconventional ideas come into your mind endlessly. It reminds us to be flexible when it comes to insights. Mercury sextile Vertex Typical features that sextile brings: You have great communication skills, and you are often high educated. The only things you should avoid if you want to benefit from this transit are rigidity and inflexibility, because something may not go as planned. Using your birth date,time and location you can access the detailed reports and features, easy to use menu layout great for beginners as well as advanced students of astrology. Let new things and situations sink in before making a premature judgment. This is a time when authority figures and older people, especially men, may figure in your life. Mercury trine Ascendant Since no one likes change but a wet baby, this can be a very trying but ultimately freeing time period for you. For example, if you vacation at this time, sky diving or white water rafting would suit you much better than lying on the beach! *Unexpected changes in your relationships and life in general occur at this time. As well, you are more able to express your more charming or loving nature verbally. Ideas come flooding in now, too, and youre able to assimilate all kinds of new information. In practice, most likely such intensified mental energy will be directed to fulfill your main life goals or needs at that moment in your life (which may involve your Moon.) A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it. Mercury conjunct Uranus transits tend to bring original and innovative approaches to problem-solving. I would redcommend to my friends. Quick decisions can be made. Consider that some situations call for discretion. Your ideas and communications may not be well-receivedperhaps others think they are too hair-brained, inconsistent, or simply not traditional enough. Your ideas are well-received, your mind is alert, and you can easily and quickly grasp information now. Integrating the volatile contents that emerge now may take time, and should not be rushed but allowed to proceed at their own natural pace. Independent, sometimes eccentric standpoints. Your energy level is much higher than usual, and you can work for long hours without fatigue. If there is room in your existing relationships for this type of change, it can be a time of exhilaration and growth for both partners. Discoveries may also come from dreams or flashes of insight. *Courageous and undaunted, you step boldly forth, assert yourself, and charge ahead. Its more likely than usual for you to make mental errors, and nervous tension is quite possible now. Studies and exams should go well, especially in technical areas like the sciences, computers, and mathematics. You might find that you are in the right place at the right time, or that you get the information you want almost magically. In astrology, Mercury is governing eloquence, social wisdom, mental reasoning and transportation means, helping us make sense of the world around us. They will share with you new and revolutionary perspectives on life that you have previously rejected. Control your impulsivity, especially when driving or traveling. March 20, 2011 astrologyplace Mercury in a trine Uranus is a free thinker, humanist, and independent mind. It can mean that spacey, unusual or progressive topics interest the person and often its a particular interest in one of these areas. Getting from point A to point B can be a challenge during this transit due to obstacles. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. Its not a good time to present an argument or an important idea. +A restless time, which could find you trying new and unexpected ideas at the expense of the status quo, especially your career. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings. Whichever part of our lives and of our psyches that Uranus touches, especially by hard transit, is an area where we begin to feel restless and dissatisfied with any routine or status quo connected to it. News that you hear now is likely to be satisfying on an emotional level. You may be tempted to exaggerate or overstate now, or you could have a hard time putting your ideas to practical use. You also have an interest and talent for technology, especially anything that feels like the future. The future is fascinating because it allows you to entertain possibilities that are steeped in the present, but not yet manifest or adopted widely. Breakthroughs in personal relations, perhaps through unconventional behavior and appearance, may occur. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Rhythms and internal balance can be disrupted (including heart rhythms), especially if you are trying to either resist the impulses toward change or trying to absorb too much change all at once. Its a strong time for socializing and communicating with ease, telling others how you feel, and negotiating. It can be a very creative day if you maintain control and flexibility. *Freedom, independence, and individuality are the key issues for this time period. Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. This is a time when you are bound to discover information that you need at just the right time. Travel is favored. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology, Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living, Alive and Well With Uranus: Transits of Self-Awakening. The more experiences you have now, the better off you will be, and you can enrich yourself for the immediate future. Mercury is conjunct Uranus. Marriage at this time indicates that you are marrying on impulse or perhaps to get away from some other undesirable tie.
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