Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS) Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; and 6 NYCRR 596-599. The 2011 Forest Health Aerial Survey Report is a narrative for the aerial observations from the 2011 general forest health aerial surveys conducted for New York State, associated ground crew observations, and other forest health related information. NYSDEC shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Proposed Petroleum Bulk Storage Requirements (PDF) Health Department Home. These data are not to be used for navigation, but are intended for use in various environmental analyses. DECs Division of Mineral Resources maintains a data management system on mines regulated under the Mined Land Reclamation Law (MLRL), enacted in 1975. Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF) pursuant to Article 12 of the Navigation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 610 Important Areas are lands and waters in the Hudson River Valley, delineated with GIS models, that support the continued presence and quality of known populations of rare animals and rare plants, or of documented examples of rare or high-quality ecological communities. Environmental Conservation, Department of, Division of Environmental Remediation, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Bulk storage facility locations; tank and material stored information. public before people will be able to see it. The remainder of the photos are planned to be scanned. and those that store more than 10,000 gallons of flammable petroleum products in aboveground tanks. The Environment, Health and Safety Office administers the University's Petroleum Bulk Storage Program. Businesses that store petroleum or petroleum products must register with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). This file shows polygon locations of Potential Environmental Justice Areas which can be defined in the yes/no field called PEJA. This layer depicts natural land areas greater than 100 acres in size throughout New York State. Petroleum Bulk Storage Radiation and Chemical Disposal Sites Hazardous Materials & Waste Solid Waste General Environmental Management Inventory and Reporting Contact Info Dennis J. Shaw Manager Inactive Waste Site Email: Phone: 607/255-8200 Home Environmental Compliance Petroleum and Chemical Storage Chemical Bulk Storage Purpose & Organization This handbook provides guidance for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Environmental Remediation (DER) staff on conducting inspections at Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) facilities to determine compliance with New York State (NYS, State) statutes [Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) . Line data locating and differentiating transportation corridors on state DEC lands. The layer is a tool to prioritize forest areas for conservation and management efforts. The Breeding Bird Atlas is a presence/absence survey. This dataset is used to show the location of dams in New York State's inventory of dams, and lists selected attributes of each dam. Prepopulated paper applications (for renewals and transfers of ownership) can be requested by contacting your regional DEC office, bulk storage unit. . The Bulk Storage Program includes three types of facilities: Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS), Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF), and Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS). SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1 amends the environmental conservation law by adding a new section 17-1016 to require petroleum bulk storage facilities to paint their tanks white or beige/cream. This data set provides the water quality classifications of New York State's lakes, rivers, streams and ponds, collectively referred to as water bodies. The percentage of hazardous substance material in tank. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The SPDES permit program in the Department's Division of Water regulates municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities that discharge directly into navigable waters. You may need additional information to meet the legal requirements for starting or operating your business. . Point locations for: Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; And 6 NYCRR 595-599. PLEASE NOTE: This Department considers the required annual Automatic Line Leak Detector (ALLD) test to be a part of the functionality test. Point locations for: Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; And 6 NYCRR 595-599. The Bulk Storage Program includes three types of facilities: Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS), Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF), and Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS). the .gov website. A reach is a defined segment of stream. For example, New York State taxes for both diesel and gasoline rose $0.088/gal in January 2023 compared with July 2022. . The Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List (WI/PWL) is an inventory of the state's surface water quality. The east-west line that separates north and south hunting zones in New York State. Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of Article 17 and 6 NYCRR Part 613. By creating this job alert, . Based on several federal and state laws, regulations, and guidance documents, DEC has developed the following programs to establish requirements for the safe storage and handling of these materials, inspection programs to verify that these requirements are being met, and enforcement procedures to require that violations be corrected and deter future non-compliance: PBS registrations can now be submitted online! To be designated as a CEA, an area must have an exceptional or unique character which has a benefit or threat to human health, a natural setting (e.g. Facilities must be permitted by DEC and managed in compliance with applicable regulations for the storage and handling of LNG. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. The tax imposition occurs at different points in the distribution chain depending on the type of petroleum product: To assist the Division in the regulation of the extractive mineral industry a database of the mines was created in the early 1980's and significantly upgraded in 2002. Major Oil Storage Facilities pursuant to Article 12 of the Navigation Law. This dataset is developed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water to delineate the boundaries of the areas subject to SPDES General Permit for Phase II Stormwater Regulations. This type of data file can be used with a free virtual globe program, like Google Earth or ESRI's ArcGIS Explorer. If blank, the date is unknown. Would you like to go to Data products from these projects include remote sensing images, point sample data, and interpretive maps. Existing facilities will need their PBS number and associated PIN to access their registrations. Bird Conservation Areas are New York State lands that have been officially designated for their value to bird conservation. you will be prompted to sign in. This information shall be used by the owner of a regulated construction activity to see if their project is eligible for coverage under the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Discharge System (SPDES) General Permit for Storm water Discharges from Construction Activity (see Part I.D.7. 3.5.10 Local and State Petroleum Bulk Storage Sites3-10 3.5.11 RCRA Haz Waste Generators and Storage . See the Distribution Information section of the metadata for instructions on opening the file. Please contact the Office of Toxic & Hazardous Material Regulation at (516) 227-9691 for a complete list of Certified Tank Installer/Removers and Tank Testers in Nassau County. Together these maps form a consistent set of geologic and groundwater maps for use in regional management of the groundwater resources of the State. Forms and Instructions for the Bulk Storage Program, Chemical or oil spills hotline: (800) 457-7362. The information balloon for each census block group area displays the census block group ID, total population, percent minority, percent below poverty level, and a link to more information on the Department of Environmental Conservation's website. NYS Water Withdrawal Permitting, NYS Solid Waste Management Program, NYS Petroleum Bulk Storage Program, EPA SPCC Rule, EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. (Applies to Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS) tanks only) (There is the capacity to input multi - material percentages for each tank.). (Note: NYS is zone 18 for UTM), Y coordinate (longitude), represented in UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) units. This data set contains polygons showing the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) from Hastings-on-Hudson to Troy. The reporting requirements have since been expanded. This dataset is subject to change as the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) obtain a permit and identify the boundaries of their jurisdictions. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. The KM terminal is 9.98 acres and has 12 aboveground and 1 underground storage tanks, with 2 loading racks. organization in the United States. New facility, renewal, and transfer of ownership applications must be submitted using paper forms available on our website. The purpose of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Program is to protect human Health and the environment. This study evaluates the optimization of the CO2 HnP method and provides insight into the aspects of CO2 sequestration for unconventional reservoirs. A public service is listed below. Updated NYS Petroleum Bulk Storage Regulations. one or more underground tank systems that are designed to store 110 or more gallons of petroleum. A locked padlock The Division of Mineral Resources maintains information and data on over40,000 wells, categorized under New York State Article 23 Regulated wells. If your oil tank is 30 years old or older it may be about ready to fail. Some errors in location or attribute values may exist.The geographic data set may also contain multiple points at a single location. The grant funds were provided for the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging stations for plug-in hybrids and all-battery electric vehicles. Local agencies may designate specific geographic areas within their boundaries as a "Critical Environmental Area" (CEA). Fuel oil contains chemicals that can pollute drinking water resources. Additional information about used oil can be found on the Used Oil page. This is primarily a regulatory database and does not track production volumes. The dataset shows status information for: This applies to all CBS and MOSF facilities and to PBS facilities at certain facility types (e.g., utilities, airports, storage terminals, etc.) This database contains records of facilities that are or have been regulated under one of the Bulk Storage Programs - Petroleum Bulk Storage, Chemical Bulk Storage and Major Oil Storage Facility. Animal Bite Incident Report Form. Secure .gov websites use HTTPSA For more information on becoming a Class A/B/C UST OperatorCLICK HERE. an aboveground storage tank larger than 185 gallons; in a container that can store 1,000 kg or more for a period of 90 consecutive days or more. 6 CRR-NY 613-4.3. . In addition, per the used oil regulations, all aboveground and underground tank systems designed to store used oil, regardless of size, must be registered with DEC and managed with applicable regulations for storage and handling of petroleum. For bulk storage facilities including Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS), Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS), and Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF), some information is not released because NYSDEC has determined that releasing the information could endanger the life or safety of persons or the security of critical infrastructure. Date a tank was permanently closed. The NYISO oversees system reliability and the competitive electric market in New York. New York State tidal wetlands south of the Tappan Zee Bridge, as of 1974, for tidal wetlands trend analysis. Information may include: Program Number; Program Type; Site Type Name; Program Facility Name; Address; Locality; County; NYSDEC Region; Tank Number; Tank Location; Tank Status; Install Date; Capacity in Gallons; Tank Type; Close Date; Material Name (of substance in tank); Percent (of material in tank - if hazardous substance - CBS tanks only); Expiration Date; (of license or registration); Site Status Name; UTMX and UTMY location coordinates. This provides a direct connection to the data that can be refreshed on-demand within the connected application. View Bulk Pricing | No Thanks. Maintains data, files, and records, electronically and/or in paper copy, for compliance, reporting, and training. This layer shows the location of primary aquifers in New York State. The original published aquifer maps contain additional base and geologic information not included in these map layers. Gas Liquefied Petro Bttld Bulk Whol business email list with latest updated contact details from Gas Liquefied. The dataset reflects the status of the wells as of the previous business day. The ALLD evaluation should be performed at the same time. Data were interpreted from an aerial photo inventory acquired in 2018. This office strongly recommends utilizing those forms when conducting each functionality test in order to be sure that all required items have been evaluated. Benefits include leadership recognition, free technical assistance, and access to grants. New York State's Public Record of USTs includes the number of facilities with regulated USTs, the number of UST facilities inspected during the reporting period, and the percent of those facilities that were found to be in significant compliance. PBS Recordkeeping. Point data locating and differentiating assets on state lands. Welcome to the Searchable Property Environmental E-Database (SPEED). If your looking for Energy & Resources in Scarsdale, New York - check out Global Assets Innovators LLC. Spills that meet the following criteria DO NOT need to be reported: It is known to be less than five gallons in total volume New York State Department of Transportation Region 10 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 . Certified communities have gone beyond the CSC pledge by completing and documenting actions that mitigate and adapt to climate change at the local level. This dataset shows the location of each ambient air quality monitoring station currently being operated by the Bureau of Air Quality Surveillance (BAQS), Division of Air Resources, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. NYSDEC further makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. If your looking for Petroleum And Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations And Terminals) in Flagstaff, Arizona - check out Canyon De Chelly Fuels Inc. Note - underground storage tanks installed before December 27, 1986, that store No. New York State streams (1:24,000) with estimated watershed drainage area in square miles by stream segment. The NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program in collaboration with Cornell University and the NY Natural Heritage Program evaluated forest fragmentation in the estuary watershed based on 2016 national land cover data and fragmenting features such as roads, railroads, and non-forest habitat. We know that the movement of groundwater is such that we are currently drinking water that was recharged into the ground many years ago. Depicts the distribution of breeding bird species in New York State, as recorded during the 2000-2005 Breeding Bird Atlas surveys. Bedrock aquifers, although significant in some areas, are not addressed here. Description: This online database search can generate KML files that display information about bulk storage sites in New York State. OFFICIAL COMPILATION OF CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Important Areas include the specific locations where the animals, plants, and/or ecological communities have been observed, but go beyond these to also include: additional habitat for the rare animal and plant populations, including areas which may be used by rare animals for breeding, nesting, feeding, roosting, or over-wintering; and areas that support the natural ecological processes critical to maintaining the habitats of these rare animal and plant populations, or critical to maintaining these significant communities. This information can be used in conservation priority setting. The dataset shows status information for: They are responsible for "keeping the lights on for New Yorkers by managing today's energy flows and by planning the grid far into the future.". The LNG program applies to facilities that store LNG or convert it back into a gas, with some exceptions. They include Shoreline, Rivers/Streams, Lakes/Reservoirs, and Estuary., NYSDEC_BulkStorageFacilities_Overview.pdf, NYSDEC_BulkStorageFacilities_DataDictionary.pdf,,, In the New York-Central Park Area, temperatures for the week averaged 47F, 10F above normal, leading to 72 fewer heating degree days (HDDs) than normal. The Ins and Outs of Oil Storage: What is the Shelf Life of Oil? Physical location of tank: Aboveground-contact w/soil; Aboveground-contact w/impervious barrier; Aboveground-no contact (on saddles, legs, stilts, rack or cradle, etc. This is a point data set with a centroid for all the waterbodies in New York State that have had contour maps created and scanned. A letter from the property owner and the project consultant must be submitted as well. Functionality Tests involve an evaluation of a tank systems sensors, automatic tank gauging, leak detection equipment, sumps, and valves amongst other items. We hope your visit was informative and enjoyable. For bulk storage facilities including Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS), Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS), and Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF), some information is not released because NYSDEC has determined that releasing the information could endanger the life or safety of persons or the security of critical infrastructure. The review and updating of these reports include a public participation component. Streams and small water bodies located in the course of a stream that are designated as C (T) or higher (i.e., C (TS), B, or A) are collectively referred to as "protected streams.". When emailing the DEC regional office for your PIN, please use an email address listed on your registration so that we can easily verify your identity. Thank you for visiting our site. Expiration date of the facility's registration certificate or license. Fuel oil that is leaking now may reach our drinking water wells in future years. The dataset provides a summary of general water quality conditions, tracks the degree to which a water body supports its designated uses, and monitors progress toward the identification and resolution of water quality problems, pollutants, and sources. Market in New York State local and State petroleum Bulk Storage Program, or! Acres and has 12 aboveground and 1 underground Storage tanks, with some exceptions (. Same time review and updating of these reports include a public participation component local agencies designate. The photos are planned to be used with a free virtual globe,! Generators and Storage see the distribution information section of the data described and/or contained herein sample data and! Data that can be defined in the Department 's Division of water regulates municipal and industrial treatment! 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