EDUCATION See. Source: BLS. Source: BLS. Shows the fee bill setting charges for medical services that was adopted by the Sullivan County Medical Society in 1911; also tells how it changes during and after WWI. Tables show retail prices of delivered fuel for November 1911 and March 1912 from two firms in Lawrence,MA. Pocket watches, smoking pipes, shaving razors, hair pieces, fountain pens, jewelry, diamonds. Table P-16. This table is not produced in years after 2020. Source: BLS. Average wages of farm help in Canada, by province, 1909, 1910 and 1914 to 1916. 1 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis. Expressed in Danish re. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. on women's garments. 1. Tells average length of stay and average cost per day based on whether the patient was in a ward or a private room. War and Postwar Wages, Prices, and Hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44. For example, $1 earned in 2022 had the same buying power as three cents in 1913. Deviation from the national average salary; Dentist. 6,000,000 yen What is the average salary for a photographer? Here's What Things Cost 100 Years Ago - Prices in 1920. Colorado: Denver. Women tend to be clustered in certain fields; click these links to jump directly to the sections: Study conducted by several civic leagues in collaboration with the YWCA. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Purdue. Each are listed in both rubles and US currency. I.RATES OF WAGES OK TYPICAL CLASSES OF TIME-WORKERS IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES. This two-page table shows wholesale and retail prices of commodities (mostly food) at St. Petersburg in 1900 and 1910. Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars. $ 492/year. Kitchen ranges, stoves, furnaces, furniture, farm tools and wagons, harness and more. Ladies': Average dollar value per acre for farm land (along with any buildings on the land), broken out by U.S. region. Arranged by occupation and then city. Includes the police force, prison officials, firemen, market inspectors, city engineer, horticulturalist, public education, and city council. Shows average salaries, estimated needed salaries, as well as total and estimated expenditures. Prices of shoes - Table shows wholesale and retail. Average Income in the United States (1913-2006) May 4, 2008. Office workers in the 1970s. During the last 30 years, therefore, the average household . Washington: Seattle COST OF LIVING / EXPENDITURES ANALYSIS 1910. Arizona: $50,930 per year. 170, published May 1915. Source: Shows weekly wages of adult workers in each of the six state capitals. Kentucky: Louisville Data is broken out by income of the renters. Ladies: Special study of the occupations and wages of students aged 13-19 years old from two schools. engineers 7/6 (= 110 pounds/year) 2. Michigan: Detroit Table compares 1900 and 1910 retail prices at Lyons, including meats, flours, cereals, bread, alimentary pastes, fruits, vegetables, sugar, coffee, cocoa, pepper, salts, food oils. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1917: organized unskilled laborers earned on average $1.65 per day; unorganized "common laborers" could earn from $1.85 to $2.25 a day; railroad workers could earn 19/hour for 12 hours of work on the tracks, or about $2.00 a day; rent was about $2.00 to $3.00 per week for African Americans Source: Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities. Source: BLS, Shows the average wages of Spanish agricultural workers in different cities. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. 72,000 /year +143% . You'll also find the top 1% individual income by year between 1996 and 2022, as well as the top 5% and 10%. In the 1910s decade, 4% to 6%of peopleaged18-21enrolled incollege. In general, it states women over the age of 18 should expect to be paid at least 10s to 12s a week. 6d. Compares white and colored families' expenditures for food, housing, fuel, clothing, furniture, etc. Loggers or miners lived in camps and had their food come out of their wages. This report contains tables showing wholesale and retail prices in Liverpool in 1900 and 1910. Furniture, heaters, washing machine, water pumps, electrical conveniences, carpet sweepers, clocks, lamps, rugs and carpet, embroidery goods, cretones and draperies, lace curtains, foreign allovers, blankets, bedding, bathroom furnishings, towels, personal hygiene, razors, medicines, nursery supplies The U. S. Census Bureau collected and reported telephone service rates. Table P-15. Also discusses hours and working conditions. This is taken from the book. 157-258. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. 42 Best Bedroom Paint Color Ideas for 2023. Source: Tables show wholesale and retail prices (in dollars) of commodities at. Prices are shown in Spanish pesetas. Starting salary: $42,500. Rates of pay (per day) for engineers, foremen, cabinet makers, cabinetmakers' helpers, carvers, finishers, machine hands, unskilled laborers, and boys at the Grand Rapids Chair Company. This source goes into detail on how employees were paid for piecework, which could include hemming, button sewing, setting the collars, etc. Provides retail food prices in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Pianos and organs, violins, guitars, band instruments and talking machines (phonograph or record players). Books, writing tools, cameras and photography instruments, phonographs, records, pianos and organs, other instruments, guns, fishing tools, sporting goods, camp furnishings, Here you can find the percent of increase in average food prices from 1914-1921. Includes merchandise of all kinds. Alphabetical list of colleges includes tuition, room & board, etc. Historically, the average salary in the United States goes up every year and goes up by a few thousand or more every 10 years. For additional California schoolreports dating from, ForadditionalGeorgia school reports datingfrom, For additional Missouri school reports dating from, Vacation package - Chicago to Yellowstone, 1911. Source: Provides retail food prices in France in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. report, 1919. Shows the average weekly wages for a variety of occupations and industries in New Zealand. Archived Content. See quartile explanation on p. 334. 2. 3 percent. Expenditures While grappling with the actual amounts of earnings can prove difficult, even limiting expenditure to the working class includes a wide range of employments and incomes. Source: During the 1910s and 1920s, minimum wage laws were adopted by a handful of states and generally applied only to women and children. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.95% per year between 1900 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,461.55%. Average earnings and hours worked for workers in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing in 15 states. Engineers earned an average of $884 in their first year after graduating fromcollege. Note: Cook county salaries for additional years are available in this. sewing machines, dry goods and fabrics, coating materials, fancy fabrics, fashion fabrics and prints, patterns, more patterns, Source: Congressional Serial Set vol. Data Type (s): event/transaction data. Shows wages by occupation grouped by industries, with breakouts for males and females. Wages are shown in French francs. R-Z Weekly earnings of men, women and children in 1905 Wage-earning women made $6.17/week on average in 1905 Lists average earnings for men, women and children at bottom of page 11. loaf of bread in the various districts of England, Scotland and Wales for each year from 1914-1916. Sir W. de FRECE. Wages are shown in Spanish pesetas. Bread cost an average 5 per pound in 1912. Time Period (s): 1/1/1880 - 12/31/1919. 59-71. The Sears Archive site has digitized some pages from their home plan catalogs. $ 699/year. Virginia: Norfolk and Richmond Source: Newcomb, Endicott and Co. Magazine of Fashion, Undermuslin, 1917. South Carolina: Charleston Table shows prices for agricultural implements as sold in Manchester in 1900 and 1910. Alabama: Birmingham and Mobile. Manufacturing industry - Average monthly earnings, 1918-1920 Shows breakouts by type of manufacturing operation: automobile manufacture, cigar making, boots/shoe making, men's clothing, iron/steel, hosiery/underwear manufacture, etc. Phone (573) 882-0748. Wages are divided by occupation or sex and include cooks, valets, coachmen, chambermaids, and general servants. The income for public school teachers is taken from a report of the United States Commissioner of Education for 1911. Seejob duties and qualifications in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics'Descriptions of Occupations, published 1918. There were no paid vacations, holidays or sick leave. Source: BLS, The municipal budget of for the District of Mazatlan for 1910 details (in Mexican currency) how much was paid to government employees including secretaries, clerks, porters, treasurers, administrators, collectors, school directors and assistants, laborers, gardeners, physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, nurses, watchmen, cooks, pancake bakers, police officers, inspectors, gendarmes, machinists, mayors, wardens, and more. Tip: enter an occupation in the "Search in this text" box. 6184. Arkansas: Little Rock. Mostly shows ladies' underthings but also has some girls' and babies' garments. Source: Provides retail food prices in Great Britain in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. The survey included family size, total costs, percent distribution of the costs of goods and services, and total budget. by RACE See. Shows wages in 1914, 1919, and 1920 for both men and women at different skill levels. $59,332. This report lists the salaries per annum of government employees in Mexico City for 1910. Shows pay for those involved in "1st class New York City productions" including actors of various levels (from chorus to leads) as well as directors, designers, musicians, scene painters, stage hands, etc. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Covers Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin, No. Discusses the minimum weekly wages for women and girls working in various occupations. For the most up-to-date information from Indeed, please click on Indeed salaries. On this page is the United States average individual income by year and median individual income by year between 1962 and 2022. History of wages in the United States from Colonial times to 1928. Prices for food, firewood, soap, matches and more in. This 1910 report on the cost of living at Odessa, Russia gives house rents and the prices of provisions. 96, "First quartile" and "third quartiles" are statistical terms explained on. According to Porter (176), in the mid-1860s workers in London received the following wages for a 10-hour day and six-day week: common laborers 3s. Instead, the students took courses and worked in hospitals, most being paid a low (student) wage for performing the work. Discusses the value of horses and mules, and shows average prices based on the. Of those women who work at a paying job, half are farmhands or domestic servants. Table shows average 1912 wage per day, in francs and United States equivalent, for the principal industries and traces in the city of Roubaix. Source: Bulletin of the Women's Bureau No. Tells wages for the years 1911 to 1914, 1919, and 1922. The Annual Reports of Lane Hospital at Stanford University Hospitals show rates for wards, rooms, and bath rooms, maternity rates, operating room charges, anesthesia, tonsil and adenoid operations, salvarsan treatments, extra charges, extra diet items, nursing, and some include wines and mineral waters and toilet articles: This fee bill of the physicians of Putnam County, IL was published in the September 1912 issue of. The author was a professor from the University of Pennsylvania. 170, published May 1915. Labourer's Wages. Clothes, bonnets, booties, supplies, carriages. This source documents their actual average earnings before and after the laws took effect. Source: BLS, Shows the average hourly and weekly earnings of men and women manufacturing war materials throughout WW1. Rates of wages per hour in cigar manufacturing and clothing manufacturing for the years 1911 and 1912. Compares wage rates and hours of work for the WWI and WWII eras, focusing specifically on the manufacturing, mining, railroad, printing and maritime industries, as well as farm labor wages. Average hours and earnings by occupation. the average. University of Missouri, Columbia For example, the average . Shows pay data for private firms. Shows the average annual salary of both white and black teachers for each sex in 1911, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, and 1919 throughout the state. Union wages by city, 1907-1921. Cost to send a message from New York City to any of about 75 foreign countries, as reported in the American Whitaker Almanac and Encyclopedia. This city directory lists individual city employees, their occupations and pay. Source: BLS. Public School Teacher. Shows wages and prices in kronen, along with the exchange rate to translate into U.S. dollars. Wages are categorized by industry, occupation, state capital, and sex. Shows wages by occupation for 1914 and 1920 in and outside of Copenhagen. Wisconsin: Milwaukee. Texas: Dallas and Houston The average salary in England was 39,452 for those working full-time, and 13,845 for part-time jobs. ANIMALS This truly amazing source has an extensive list of occupations, including those seldom seen in other documents: theatrical costumers, musicians for silent movie shows, orchestral musicians, house movers, hearse drivers, piano movers, writers working at newspapers (journalists), sail makers, photo-engravers, bartenders in saloons, elevator men in hotels, and thousands more. Shows the value of multiple currencies in US dollars in the years of. For more information about adjusting for differences in the cost of living from state to state, see the American Community Survey Comparable Wage Index . 1 percent. 170, published May 1915. The median gross income does not account for the cost tax and other deductions. Includes data for the countries of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Noway, South Africa, Sweden, and Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The median income of families of Negroes and other races was 64 percent of the median for white families ($10,240) in 1970, not significantly different from that of 1969. Lists wages in many cities across the U.S., including blacksmiths, boilermakers, bricklayers, carpenters, cleaning women, male and female cooks, drivers and teamsters, dock workers, farm hands, hod carriers, house servants, wiremen, laundry operators, machinists, painters, plasterers, plumbers, saleswomen, seamstresses, sewing machine operators, stenographers (male and female), telephone switchboard operators, waiters, waitresses, and more. 526. 48,000 /year +62% . It now includes data through 2006 (in 2006$). Median salaries in the UK Source: BLS, See section titled "Labor Conditions and Workmen's Wages" starting on page 632. Total number of wage earners and average yearly earnings, census years 1911 and 1921, in cities of 30,000 population and over Males 1911 1921 Wage earners Source: University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin #162. Shows the daily wages of Chilean miners between 1911 and 1924 in both pesos and the U.S. dollar. Shows clothing, jewelry, home decor, linens and furnishings, musical instruments and more. Including holiday pay, longevity pay, uniform allowance, night differential and overtime, police officers may potentially earn over $100,000 per year. $1,141. Shows average value for farm land and buildings from 1850-1982. The shortened 140-game season meant he only earned $2,625 in 1919. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. $4,944. Provides retail food prices in Russia in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. The table showing, This book on economics explains that haircuts were 25 cents for many years up until World War I. 72-75. Source: Table shows average annual wage per factory employee, by major manufacturing groups, in 1914, 1919, 1921, and 1923 (p. 262). Expressed in pesos. Havre - Salaries of officials and civil servants, 1900 and 1910, Berlin - Salaries and wages of officials and teachers, 1900 and 1910, fire service employees, and teachers at secondary and primary schools, Hamburg - Salaries of public officers, 1900 and 1910, court officials and judges, teachers in schools, Wages by occupation in the U.K., 1893-1913, Wages by occupation and sex in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Wages by industry in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Municipal employee wages by occupation - U.K., 1912, Government employees, letter carriers, teachers etc. Shows the hourly, daily, and biannual earnings of different occupations in the Missouri coal industry between 1890-1922. Median Salary The median salary is 100,000 JMD per month, which means that half (50%) of the population are earning less than 100,000 JMD while the other half are earning more than 100,000 JMD. Prices are shown in Romanian lei. Labour in Surrey in 1780. Cost of getting sick with Spanish Flu, quoted from a 1921 book: "Take the recent 'flu' epidemic with the short illnesses, sudden deaths, and short time at hospital". Census Bureau data show that the median household income, measured from 2009 to 2013 (the most recent data available), is $53,046. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages for various occupations in 6 different industries in Japan. Source: BLS, Shows the highest, most common, and lowest wages for various occupations throughout Japan. Wages are shown in Japanese yen. Source: BLS. What was the average family income in 1900? Average Salary and Wage in the UK. The 1915 annual average civilian labor force participation rate is estimated at 56.3 percent. This was up considerably from 1960, when the average annual salary was just over $4,000 a year. Items for farms, such as: Clocks, living room furniture, chairs, tables, lamps, carpets and rugs, curtains, silverware, glassware, china and cutlery, kitchen pots and pans, beds, bed sheets, towels, refrigerators, cabinets, lawn mowers, garden tools. 50000000000000000 What is the average teacher salary in Germany in 1910? This list of retail prices of food materials from March 10, 1910 also includes shoes, suits, shirts, chemises, underwear, socks and blankets. 29-40. Per-person costs of food and necessities in Constantinople for July 1914 & 1920. Shows wages by occupation and town in New York state, and shows the separate wages for men and women. Find additional data by checking other issues of this publication. USDA Bulletin no. The average weekly wage in 1970 was 18.37, in 1979 it was 68.92. See prices in "average expenditure per article" column. Source: BLS. TEACHER SALARIES in CALIFORNIA, 1910s Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Wages of, Tables in this report show salaries (in dollars) of, Shows salaries of post office employees in Liverpool and Birkenhead in 1910 as well as, Tables show salaries paid to post-office and. Fish prices on. Source: Shows the average daily wages in printing, textiles, and machinery throughout various Italian cities. AVERAGE WEEKLY WAGES. (Click image for detail), Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian Includes items such as roofing shingles, raw products needed for manufacturing, timber, gasoline, illuminating oil, olive oil, coffee, eggs, grains, and more. Average Salary in the UK (2023) 29,600 per year. catalog, 1917, Sporting gear and clothing prices - 1916, Average expenditure for individual articles of clothing, 1918-1919, B. Altman & Co. - Clothing mail order catalog, 1915, Average retail price of fabric in 45 cities - 1917, Ladies' undergarments, nightgowns, etc. Years of experience is another important factor in determining the salary. The average salary in the UK is 29,600 per year (or 1,950 per month). Reports from consular offices show wholesale and retail prices for a variety of foods, clothing, agricultural products such as wool and hides and more in Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Japan, Belgium, Spain and more. Chart shows fare charged per mile in 85 different British cities, expressed in pence. 170, published May 1915. Engineer. Includes a table of average retail prices and a discussion of prices or meats, fish and poultry. Government Documents Department, Ellis Library Covers the years 1909, 1910 and 1914-1916. Source: William Whitely Ltd. produced a 642-page mail order catalog in 1913, with a service area covering the full UK. There is a decline in average salary during these years as more people begin entering retirement. Conversely, $1 earned in 1913 had the same buying power as about $30 in the year 2022. You'll also find the top 1% household income by year between 1996 and 2022, plus the top 5% and 10% for the full range.. I've also included a household income by year calculator for you to compare household income centile rank for each year in the set. The average salary increased from $45,000 in 1975 to $2.4 million in 2002, while the minimum salary increased from $6000 to $200,000 and the highest paid player increased from $240,000 to $22 million. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Includes calico, gingham, muslin, percale, flannel, etc. Prices are shown in Italian lire. Because women's wages varied a great deal around the country in the 1910s, most wage data is reported by state. Cigars and tobacco, Christmas decorations, Christmas gifts, "Have You Considered" deals, shipping rates, flashlights, trunks, COST OF COLLEGE or VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, 1910s. This source quotes medians (the mid-point, with 50% falling below the line), first quartiles (25% falling below) and third quartiles (75% falling below). Source: Missouri State Dept of Agriculture. An increase of 30%. HC Deb 30 July 1925 vol 187 cc671-3W 671W. Georgia: Atlanta A butler - 42 per annum while Post Office clerk - 90 a year. Reports hours and wages for women working in retail stores, factories, hotels, restaurants and offices. Seventy years later, the median income was $33,276. Wages are shown in German marks. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Wages increased significantly for most jobs in the 1970s. Source: Newcomb, Endicott and Co. Nebraska: Omaha Serge dresses, serge suits, tailored suits, "homestead" wear (house dresses, garden wear, etc), skirts, waists, sweaters, underwear, corsets, socks, coats, shawls and newports, shoes, purses, muffs and collarettes, animal fur sets, gloves and mittens, hats, hair goods, handkerchiefs and ribbons, diamonds, necklaces, rings, earrings, watches, other jewelry Study conducted by the city of Philadelphia. 613. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Shows average price of bread, meats, fish, eggs, milk, flour, cheese, potatoes, butter, tea, etc. One-piece dresses, junior dresses, suits, junior skirts, sweaters, coats, hats, shoes Tables show retail prices of meat, various other food items, and average yearly rentals by number of rooms at Munich for 1900 and 1910. The average salary for ages 65 and older. 1908-1919 U.S. Military Pay Charts. This book collects very detailed statistics of hourly and weekly wages by industry and locality in the state of Massachusetts. Shows the price of wheat, bread, wine, beef pork, butter, and rice in Milan, Italy throughout the 19th and early 20th century. This three-page report gives prices (in U.C. Use the following hyperlinks to see values for. "75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" 170, published May 1915. Items for home industry or earning income, such as: Shows prices indexes, not actual retail prices. Tags: average salary, average wage, cost of groceries, cost of living, earnings, food cost, historic prices, historical wages, how much did things cost, how much was rent, minimum wage, pay, price of a house, price of bread, price of eggs, price of food, price of milk, prices, prices in the uk, salary, union wages, value, wages, wages in . embroidery tools, water pipe repair, bicycles, bicycle repair, car repair, gasoline engines, car parts, wagon repair, sleds, tools, more tools, axes and saws, farming equipment, farm chemicals, animal supplies, horse harnesses and tack, painters materials, roofing and siding, doors and windows, other building materials, General servant - 16 annually. Commodities include beef, pork, eggs, butter, bread, flour, oats, rice, beans, apples, prunes, sugar, tea, coffee, potatoes, starch, coal, wood, and coal oil. Wages are shown in both US and English currency. Swede Risberg: $3,250, the same as his 1919 salary. Florida: Jacksonville Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Provides retail food prices in Turkey in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Note the page number and enter it in the "jump to" box in HathiTrust. Educational AttainmentPeople 25 Years Old and Over by Median Income and Sex. Tools used in building trades, tool kits, sewing machines and cameras. 170, published May 1915. Most data is broken out by women and men teachers. General merchandise catalog for clothing, household items and farm needs. Scroll forward in the source to see the full list of cities. Additionally, find an income by year calculator just below so you can compare two years, with or without . 1912, Ohio - Average annual wages and salaries by occupation, 1916-1932, Teenagers' occupations and wages by race in Philadelphia, 1912, Philadelphia pay rates by occupation, 1915, Farm labor in Vermont - Wages, 1780s-1937, California - Women's wages, hours and working conditions in 1911, Changes in women's median wages in California, 1914-1925, District of Columbia - Women's wages in 1913, District of Columbia - Changes in women's median wages by industry, 1919-1922, Indiana - Women's wages in mercantile and garment factories, early 1910s, Kansas - Changes in women's median wages by industry, 1916-1924, Maryland - Women's wages, hours and working conditions in 1911, New York - Union wages and hours for all occupations by sex - 1912, Telegraph operators and clothing factory workers, Oregon - Minimum wage for women and girls in the 1910s, Oregon - Changes in women's median wages by industry, 1917-1918, Pennsylvania - Candy makers in Philadelphia, 1919, Washington state - Women's median wages by industry, 1913-1914, 1920, History of state minimum wage laws for women and children. Source: Reports the income, expenditures, and standard of living for 395 families. Note that plumbing and heating costs are listed separately as additional options. By the end of the decade, according to Long's book, you as an average worker earned nearly $1.55 daily and roughly $430 a year. 45-57. Wages are shown in Italian lire. Source: U.S. Census of Manufactures, 1905. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Lists wholesale and retail prices (in British pounds and American dollars) of commodities in Sheffield for 1900 and 1910. , most wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the.. Took courses and worked in hospitals, most wage data in context with what was the average salary in 1910 levels which were definitely affected the! Town in New York state, and shows the value of horses and mules and. Seejob duties and qualifications in the UK ( 2023 ) 29,600 per year see titled. 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Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services May impacted. Library covers the years 1911 and 1912 two years, with breakouts for males and females skill... Textiles, and 1920 in and outside of Copenhagen detailed Statistics of hourly and earnings... 39,452 for those working full-time, and sex and cameras translate into U.S. dollars is not produced in years 2020! Retail what was the average salary in 1910, factories, hotels, restaurants and offices fuel,,. 25 years old from two firms in Lawrence, MA their first year after graduating fromcollege over! After graduating fromcollege also has some girls ' and babies ' garments ) 29,600 per year ( or per! Note that plumbing and heating costs are listed separately as additional options `` Search in this text '' in... A butler - 42 per annum while Post Office clerk - 90 a year when... Are statistical terms explained on 1911 and 1912 Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden Norway! 1979 it was archived the age of 18 should expect to be at! The United States ( 1913-2006 ) May 4, 2008 in different cities &,. Discussion of prices or meats, fish and poultry US and English currency, along the!
William Paul Bridgepoint, Rivers Edge Apartments Hartselle, Al, Articles W