The minute it stopped entertaining you you didnt care if it died. Bella's having it pretty sweet right now. Everything about Cats and Dogs. We could of done, we had unpacked most things by the Thursday he could of settled in with us then! I picked her up and took her to my family hoping they would say it wasnt her body but it was. 00:53. I would probably have killed myself, the pain is so bad. I hate myself, and Im saying all this here because otherwise it might fall out of my mouth in front of my wife and I CANNOT do that because shes making her peace with it in her own way and the food thing hasnt come to mind for her. The doctor fully supported me in that decision. But I on the other hand should have known that it wasnt safe to leave that window open. Our perfect 6-month old rabbit Lolly died under anaesthesia on Monday and it was probably my fault. We got home, it was dusk by then, and Cooper had started to go limp. Im sorry and I hope you forgive me prince, I know you suffered and it wasnt right, even if you were going to die regardless last night I shouldve not left you in there with mom, I shouldve taken you to the vet so you could go peacefully. And it will always be Lollys Hill, and we will always love you. Another type of imagined guilt is if youve accidentally caused your pets death by letting him out, keeping him in, or losing track of his whereabouts. I continued with rescue breathing. We didnt want any more pain for her so we let her go . My 7 month kitten died because of me. His fur was covered with frost. Good luck. An animal control employee fails to notice that the dog is wearing a tag and destroys the dog without notifying the owner. i seriously need help. It seemed far fetch but a skunk was living under my home at the time. We've had two rabbits, two guinea pigs, a bearded dragon, two dogs, plenty of fish, snails, two geckos, and four tortoises. But I had tried to take measures to ensure they we well cared for even asking the neighbour to keep an eye out for whether they wanted letting in or out and giving her a key. She said the urine was normal yet it showed blood and protein. I wish I could go back in time. She then began to have spasms of her extremities. That dog didnt do anything wrong, you did. If you saw a dog killing on purpose, you may lose all your finances.If you dreamt about killing your own dog, this dream means you will have a long-lasting conflict with one of your relatives or friends.It is better to find consensus. My poor darling Pixie she was in so much pain and it felt like she was crying out no no when I picked her up to put in the basket to go to vet. I never even do treatments each year but had to go in the countryside so thought it was useful. My wife got kitten formula and hand feed it a few times a day for about two weeks. But as I said, Cleo had always managed it and as for Bella she would always wait to be let in or out as she was always so patient. Coming here isnt going to do anything, go talk to a therapist. I scooped her up and we sped to the vet, but it was too late. This book will help you understand why your feelings are so overwhelming, and help you cope with the guilt you feel about your pets death. I will miss her for a long long time and this will be hard for me to live with. ( 3) Depending on the pet's weight, Benadryl can be lethal at doses between 24 mg and 30 mg per kilogram. I checked her pulse and there was nothing. Most often, we believe we had more control over the situation than we actually did, and this is the cause of our guilt. I am not excusing the behaviour and we certainly have never done this with our current dog, but I miss him so much. I accidentally killed my cat. I cant live with myself in this severe pain. I didnt try enough to save him. i feel like a soulless vessel. If only I had checked to make sure. I am feeling awfully guilty about this and I know I should. We rushed to the hospitals but they were closed. I hope these tips help. And we don't know what happened, but for some reason, it went wrong yesterday. Rumble("play", {"video":"v28svmy","div":"rumble_v28svmy"}); A bombshell video that was obtained by the DOJ and shared by Joe Dan Gorman, the creator, and host of the popular "Intellectual Froglegs" videos, reveals how police officers not only allowed protesters inside the Capitol but actually held the doors open for them to enter into the interior of the Capitol. I do love her. If you want to be better. I should have just returned home. She needed an companion that she could cuddle alot. I felt awful. Two people are responsible for my cats death, the veterinarian and as a result of her incompetence subsequently myself. But then my cat died and now my hamster is gone and its my fault for not making sure the fort was secure, the pump was covered, and I wasnt there to save her. Dreaming that this never happened and that wed still be together in 15-20 years. He hopped in the car - he was able to walk, I don't know how and we immediately went to the vet. And now I blame myself for choosing euthanasia. i ###$ him up pretty bad. 1967 Jessamy: Barbara Sleigh I'll never forget that. i cant forgive myself. It happened in a split second. i feel horrible inside and i dont know how to move on from this. i dont know ho to feel i dont know how to act. You took good care of your dog or cat in many ways; dont wave that away. From the sound of it, you gave that little dog the best quality of life possible. Not understanding why this is happening to him. I had to kill my cat. My dad buried him in our field. He was such a sweet dog he was still wagging his tail in his last moments, laying in a stream of blood. I can be redeemed only by love, and that would be unloving. Yesterday morning I heard him struggling and struggling to scratch through his cage and I just tried to ignore him even though I still felt really bad. My 4 year old keeps asking questions and saying things like, "Mommy, I didn't want you to kill Bella." It was all so unexpected. He fell down or he jumped I dont remember correctly. after a lot of back and forth we tried to get her to land with water from the hose (not a smart move.) He looked at me while asking for help I couldnt reach him, I couldnt help him. I love the book because it offers both heartwarming stories and practical guidance on grieving the loss of a pet. Do you feel like you caused your dog or cats death? I shouldnt have taken him out. The vet said now its up to her, but the likelihood of brain damage was very high. The day I accidentally killed a little boy. Why did I even adopt him in the first place? Theres a reason why animal cruelty is treated as a gateway into really criminally violent behavior towards humans, you know? The active ingredient in slug bait is metaldehyde, and it can cause uncontrollable seizures in pets. Terrified I asked my sister to help catch her but she was too far to reach and she wasnt listening to our calls. The worst part is I didnt know it was still that serious, I didnt think she was in danger of dying anymore. But Im not that that stupid I know I should have or could have acted quicker. I gave authorisation for her to be put to sleep. Be kind to yourselves. So I assumed that he would pass it because he has other times at the vet, all they give him is fluids and muscle relaxers so Im thinking he will be fine then, it was after hours and I wouldve had to take him out of town to emergency. I dont want to sue anyone, its my fault alone. But they were outdoor bunnies, with constant access to grass. So when they tried pulling the seat it suffocated my baby and he didnt make it. he was the cutest. Good luck, You need to get a grip before this becomes your life. I want to cry, I want to scream and hate myself but Im also just so numb. She had a long day and I felt she probably needed rest. Well I did that for months but then a lot of stuff happened in between time and I slacked on and off. She had a adorable little perma-smile, as most axolotls do and beautiful red frills. But hed been losing weight in the autumn and I should have noticed, not put it down to his stress issues in the past. Im so sorry that I failed you. I quickly laid her on the bed and realized she wasnt breathing. I left the apple outside the entrance. The integration went well. A tiny white ball of fluff, 2 different colored eyes and the most perfect heart shaped pink nose Ive ever seen. Mum had an accident and has been in hospital with a broken hip, so Id been taking care of Muffin. I cant live in this house anymore, I threw out everything. Thank you. But I want all who commented to know that you are not alone in your agony and that, as I pray about my own grief, I will include all of you, and your pets, in my prayers. I was begging her not to leave me, mind you, and when I saw she was lucid I sung her favorite song to her. She just wanted tummy rubs and she was happy, I wish I could trade places with her. (I'm assuming a lot here, please correct me if I'm wrong). I saw her slowing down in the last 6 months. During the ordeal I made several phone calls. I learned that they initiated a class action in US and Canada against the company coz many dogs died or has major secondary effects and FDA keeps adding secondary effects. I know that my grief and pain is causing my husband and children more pain than theyre already experiencing so I know that I need to find a path forward bc I dont want that for them. Theres a rabbit warren there so big you can see it on Google Earth. Life us precious no matter how small..if I could go back just a few days I would appreciate gwen a lil more and give her what she needed. She needed something to love. Or deliberately made the decision to do it tomorrow. I hate how it ended and am having an extremely difficult time shaking the feeling that I caused his death through neglect and that he died feeling lonely, trapped, unloved, thirsty, and abandoned on top of all of his physical health problems. FREE CASE CONSULT 24/7 (214) 200-4878. . If youre struggling with grief and guilty feelings because of the circumstances surrounding your dog or cats death, readLetting Go of an Animal You Love: 75 Ways to Survive Pet Loss. It was *not* your fault - however much your heart may tell you otherwise. It was my idea to bring in the cats, and I knew my wife would go for it. O-Q Joined 19/06/2019 Posts 2,152 06:04 PM 25/06/2019 ahaha, mistakes happen!-White girl. Dreaming that his little life wasnt cut so incredibly short by my carelessness. A good amount of fluids came up with rescue breaths. I was so weak with my hurtful day. I explained that she is a nervous cat and had concerns about putting that added stress on her. I should have insisted they remain closed and theyd have to be out or in regardless of whether it was against their intentions. Its just so sad and I hate to think how long she was in there stuck and struggling and suffering. She was very warm which led me to believe this didnt just happen. Thats what I did , but instead of going to their dog houses both males stay paralised which I now understand they mustve been scared . How could I put my sweet baby in harms way!? Your dog or cat loved you beyond all reason so you must have donesomethingright. I can't imagine what it must feel like to you now, even after 5 years. But one of the tubes came out of a box and thats how she escaped. So 6 hours or so he had diarrhea vomiting and seizures too. Although the law varies depending on state and county, if someone has injured or killed your pet, you are entitled to compensation. Before the nurse came out and collected her and soon after the surgeon came out with her assistant to speak to me. You should also think about suing in small claims court. It wasnt enough. I should have put on the belt inside rather than being lazy and thinking of putting it in the elevator. I tried honking the horn to get another truck drivers attention. so as i come home sometimes hes out out setup, which was a gated area in the house, and hes pissed and shitted everywhere and he liked to chew on the wall borders. I held her in my arms and petted her head while it was done. The following taboo topic article might surprise some, but I assure you that dogs killing dogs within the same household is common. You have no excuse. My cuddle bug. If only I had been in the basement, I would have heard her squealing for me to help her. The last time I went in her cage she looked okay but not great. He even rebelled when I put it on him!! He could have been saved. If there was any risk though, I wanted to do it. I screamed the neighbourhood down. If youre struggling with real guilt, remember that you hadreasonsfor doing what you did. I believe in my heart that Felix would still be here had I reacted faster. Time to time i check her to know of how shes doing. When my German Shepherd, Hugo, died, it felt like a part of me had been clawed out and torn away. One, named Pronto, broke his back and had to be put down. We just lost our 13 year old Yorkie and we thought we would start the new year with a new addition to the family. He died not even after 3 days. So I hurried up and put one of the meds in his mouth and waited, then called the vet and she said that it doesnt sound like seizures its sounds like something else but she said to watch him. I wish Id said WHEN shed been eating too. All i can think of is when I was a drunk I was abusive to him. I loved her so much. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And while my friend suffers a lonely and agonizing death due to my negligence, Im relaxing inside, too lazy to care. I got the water hose and cleaned it up and found some in his house. Shed get so excited when shes hear my voice, and shes lick my finger, I didnt think hamsters could care about a human so much.