In addition, Dodson suggested that traits like the nasal horn and frill in male Protoceratops may have been important visual displays for attracting females and repelling other males, or even predators. The pupae found in this Protoceratops individual were reported as measuring as much a 2.5cm (25mm) long and 1cm (10mm) wide and compare best with pupae attributed to solitary wasps. On its upper region a concavity was developed for the joint with the smaller fibula. [38], In 2019 however, Sowiak and team described the limb elements of ZPAL Mg D-II/3, which represents a sub-adult individual, and noted a mix of characters typical of bipedal ceratopsians such as a narrow glenoid with scapular blade and an arched femur. They indicated that sexual dimorphism in this population was marked by a prominent nasal horn in malestrait also noted by other authorsrelative wider nostrils in females, and a wider neck frill in males. The team also suggested that a swimming adaptation could have been useful to avoid aquatic predators, such as crocodylomorphs. Preserved traces were reported as pits, notches, borings, and tunnels, which they attributed to scavengers. Knapp and team noted that results of the frill indicate that this structure had a major role in signaling within the species, consistent with selection of potential mates with quality ornamentation and hence reproductive success, or dominance signaling. While Oviraptor and Protoceratops did coexist in late Cretaceous central Asia, it turns out that this supposed "egg thief" got a bad rapit was . Although it was not fully understood the conditions surrounding their burial, it was clear that they died simultaneously in struggle. The rear of the skull gave form to a pronounced neck frill (also known as "parietal frill") mostly composed of the parietal and squamosal bones. The ulna was a rather short bone with a straight shape. [58] You Hailu and Peter Dodson in 2004 suggested that the premaxillary teeth of Protoceratops may have been useful for selective cropping and feeding. Something like 108 individual dinosaur specimens were collected by the American Museum of Natural History field teams between 1922 and 1925, all but seven of them represented Protoceratops andrewsi. The hindlimbs were longer than the forelimbs. Oviraptor eating Protoceratops's eggs. The neck was rather short and had poor flexibility. andrewsi. [82], In 2010 David Hone with team reported a new interaction between Velociraptor and Protoceratops based on tooth marks. Based on their respective peg-like shape and reduced microornamentation, Dauphin and colleagues suggested that the premaxillary teeth of Protoceratops had no specific function. This elongation started from the first to the fourteenth caudal. To accommodate this equipment, the skull of Protoceratops was almost comically large compared to the rest of its body, giving it a distinctly "top . 8. So, first thing you may notice is that I'm not talking, and my mic was muted, and I feel too lazy to re-record. The nest of Protoceratops would have been excavated with the hindlimbs and was built in a mound-like, crater-shaped center structure with the eggs arranged in semicircular fashion. Maiorino and team nevertheless, cited that the typical regarded Protoceratops male, AMNH 6438, pretty much resembles the rostrum morphology of AMNH 6466, a typical regarded female. A horn-like structure was present over the nose, which varied from a single structure in P. andrewsi to a double, paired structure in P. hellenikorhinus. It was believed that the discovery of a small, herbivorous dinosaur named Protoceratops was the inspiration for the creation of the iconic griffin, a belief challenged in 2016 by paleontologist Mark Witton. Obtained results showed instead that several regions of the skull of Protoceratops independently varied in their rate of growth, ontogenetic shape and morphology; a high growth of the frill during ontogeny in relation to other body regions; and a large variability of the neck frill independent of size. The clavicle of Protoceratops was an U to slightly V-shaped element that joined to the upper border of the scapulocoracoid. The fact that the individuals likely spend some time in the nest after hatching for growth suggests that Protoceratops parents might have cared for their young at nests during at least the early stages of life. The other group of skulls is characterized by low nasals that have undeveloped horns; a relatively longer antorbital length; and more oblique nostrils. It is estimated that at the end of the Campanian age and into the Maastrichtian the climate would shift to the more mesic (humid/wet) conditions seen in the Nemegt Formation. [51][52] In most recent/modern phylogenetic analyses Protoceratops and Bagaceratops are commonly recovered as sister taxa, leaving the interpretations proposing direct relationships with more derived ceratopsians unsupported. Was a herbivore. [121], In 2010 the paleontologists Yukihide Matsumoto and Mototaka Saneyoshi reported multiple borings and bite traces on joint areas of articulated Bagaceratops and Protoceratops specimens from the Tugriken Shireh locality of the Djadokhta Formation and Hermiin Tsav locality of the Barun Goyot Formation, respectively. This specimen was later described in 1940 by Brown and Schlaikjer, who discussed the nature of the matrix portion. It is likely that Protoceratops raised its tail as a signal (display) or females could use this method during egg laying in order to expand and relax the cloaca. Fact or Fiction. The team however, was not able to produce deeper analysis regarding sexual dimorphism in P. hellenikorhinus due to the lack of complete specimens. [2][5], After spending much of 1924 making plans for the next fieldwork seasons, in 1925 Andrews and team explored the Flaming Cliffs yet again. As the name implies, they represent elongated dinosaur eggs, including some of referred ones to Protoceratops. The parietals were the posteriormost bones of the skull and major elements of the frill. [71] Longrich in 2010 argued that the high tail and frill of Protoceratops may have helped it to shed excess heat during the dayacting as large-surface structureswhen the animal was active in order to survive in the relatively arid environments of the Djadokhta Formation without highly developed cooling mechanisms. 6. The jugal was deep and sharply developed and along with the quadratojugal they formed a horn-like extension that pointed to below at the lateral sides of the skull. The first metatarsal and toe were the smallest, while the other elements were of similar shape and length. Back in Beijing, the skull Shackelford had found was sent back to the American Museum of Natural History for further study, after which Osborn reached out to Andrews and team via cable, notifying them about the importance of the specimen. [5] In 2001 Lambert and colleagues considered the development of the two nasal "horns" of P. hellenikorhinus to be a trait that was delayed in relation to the appearance of sexual-discriminant traits. (Image credit: CC-BY-SA 4.0) Adorable sheep-sized dinosaurs probably evolved their fancy neck frills to attract mates or show . For instance, the Protoceratops has a semi-erect stance and its skull is nearly horizontal, which could have not been possible if the animal was already dead. DEA PICTURE LIBRARY/Getty Images When the type fossil of Oviraptor was unearthed, in 1923, it was sitting atop a clutch of fossilized eggsprompting the theory that it had just raided a Protoceratops nest. The triceratops size compared to a human via Wikipedia. Protoceratops is nevertheless significant in its discovery as it has revealed many fascinating insights into dinosaur life. The large numbers of remains found relatively close to one another is taken as evidence of herding behaviour. Preservation of the scleral rings indicates a cathermal lifestyle meaning that Protoceratops was . The maxillary teeth of ceratopsians were usually packed into a dental battery that formed vertical shearing blades which probably chopped the leaves. [5], The potential importance of these remains were not recognized and given attention, and by 2020 the specimen has already been completely prepared losing all traces of this skin-like layer. When the type fossil of Oviraptor was unearthed, in 1923, it was sitting atop a clutch of fossilized eggsprompting the theory that it had just raided a Protoceratops nest. The surfaces around the epijugal were coarse, indicating that it was covered by a horny sheath. The morphological differences among the Udyn Sayr specimens may indicate intraspecific variation of Protoceratops. The team indicated that both pupae and boring traces reflect a marked ecological relationship between dinosaur carcasses and a relatively large necrophagous insect taxon. Like its larger and geologically younger relative Triceratops, this herbivore also had a bony . Although the genera Gobiceratops, Lamaceratops, Magnirostris, and Platyceratops, were long considered valid and distinct taxa, and sometimes placed within Protoceratopsidae, Czepiski found the diagnostic (identifier) features used to distinguish these taxa to be largely present in Bagaceratops and thus becoming synonyms of this genus. [84] However, a subsequent study in 2021 found that Protoceratops had a greater capability of nocturnal vision than did Velociraptor. [81], In 2011 the first authentic nest of Protoceratops (MPC-D 100/530) from the Tugriken Shireh locality was described by David E. Fastovsky and team. Protoceratops is a common find in the Flaming Cliffs formation, which it shared with other Dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Oviraptor. [27] Moreover, phylogenetic analyses published in 2008 by Darla K. Zelenitsky and Franois Therrien have shown that Protoceratopsidovum represents the eggs of a maniraptoran more derived than oviraptorids and not Protoceratops. Eye size is an important adaptation in predators and nocturnal animals because a larger eye ratio poses a higher sensitivity and resolution. Protoceratops Pronunciation: pro-toe-ker-ah-tops Name meaning: 'first horned face' Type of dinosaur: ceratopsian Length: 1.8m Weight: 400kg. (plus 4 other paragraphs) Animal Characteristics: Habitat: Desert; Location: Asia; Era: Cretaceous Minimum happiness needed for chance of breeding: 95. [19], Makovicky and team in 2007 conducted a histological analysis on several specimens of Protoceratops from the American Museum of Natural History collections in order to provide insights into the life history of Protoceratops. [36] In 2022 Phil R. Bell and colleagues briefly described these potential soft tissues based on the photographs provided by Brown and Schlaikjer, as well as other ceratopsian soft tissues. ; Utkarsh Ambudkar as Orson: A humanoid supremacist Protoceratops with a bulging brain who wants to take control of the Lost World. Water dinosaurs who loved these places were the Hadrosaurus. [5][39], The pelvic girdle was formed by the ilium, pubis, and ischium. Dinosaurs Tour expondr Triceratops, Tiranosaurios, Protoceratops, Parasaurolofus, Estegosaurios, Espinosaurio, Diplodocus y el famoso Tiranosaurio Rex a tamao real, entre otros. Because it is generally accepted that most fossil specimens at Tugriken Shireh were preserved by rapidly migrating dunes and sandstorms, Fastovsky with colleagues suggested that the lee side borders of the nest would have been the area where air was sand-free and consequently, all young Protoceratops may have struggled to reach this area, resulting in their final burial and eventual death. Lee and colleagues concluded that even though the tail morphology of Koreaceratopsand other basal ceratopsiansdoes not argues against swimming habits, the cited evidence for it is insufficient. While Andy and his colleagues were able to show that the frill of Protoceratops likely evolved as a result of social behaviour between members of the species as opposed to, for example, defence, it is difficult to be conclusive that . [69], Gregory and Mook in 1925 suggested that Protoceratops was partially aquatic because of its large feetbeing larger than the handsand the very long neural spines found in the caudal (tail) vertebrae. This idea later gave rise to the First (1916 to 1917), Second (1919) and Third (1921 to 1930) Central Asiatic Expeditions to China and Mongolia, organized by the American Museum of Natural History under the direction of Osborn and field leadership of Andrews. Diabloceratops was a medium-sized, moderately built, ground-dwelling, quadrupedal herbivore, that could grow up . Coahuilaceratops (meaning "Coahuila horn face") is a genus of ceratopsian dinosaur which lived in what is now Mexico. Quick facts about Protoceratops: Existed from 145 million years ago to 66 million years ago; Lived in a terrestrial habitat; Was a herbivore Brown and Schlaikjer discarded the idea of possible skin impressions as this skin-like layer was likely a product of the decay and burial of the individual, making the sediments become highly attached to the skull. The jugal bones also showed a trend towards an increase in relative size. [64], In 2018 paleontologists ucja Fostowicz-Frelik and Justyna Sowiak studied the bone histology of several specimens of P. andrewsi through cross-sections, in order to analyze the growth changes in this dinosaur. The sclerotic ring (structure that supports the eyeball), found inside the orbit, was circular in shape and formed by consecutive bony plates. Protoceratops are dinosaurs confirmed to appear in Additional Creatures: Endemics. Since this event likely occurred after the death of both animals or during a point where movement was not possible, and the Protoceratops is missing other body elements, Barsbold suggested that scavengers were the most likely authors. The co-authors also agreed with Osborn in that Asia, if more explored, could solve many major evolutionary gaps in the fossil record. Los dinosaurios pertenecen al superorden Dinosauria (deinos 'terrible' y sauros 'lagarto' = lagartos terribles) y son el grupo de reptiles con ms xito, incluso ms que los mamferos. Tena un tamao pequeo y un crneo grande. [5][19], Protoceratops had leaf-shaped dentary and maxillary teeth that bore several denticles (serrations) on their respective edges. [63], In 2017 Mototaka Saneyoshi with team analyzed several Protoceratops specimens from the Djadokhta Formation, noting that from perinate/juvenile to subadult individuals, the parietal and squamosal bones increased their sides to posterior sides of the skull. Kirkland and Bader concluded that adults of a large beetle taxon would detect decaying carcasses buried below the sand and dig down in order to feed and lay their eggs. Both parietals were coossified (fused), creating a long ridge on the center of the frill. Protoceratops had large orbits, which measured around 5cm (50mm) in diameter and had irregular shapes depending on the individual. [6] Brown and Schlaikjer in 1940 and indicated that the expansion of the distal (lower) ischial end may reflect a strong ischiocaudalis muscle, which together with the high tail neural spines were used for swimming. As Protoceratops was a relatively basal (primitive) ceratopsian, the finding may imply that other ceratopsians provided care for their young as well. It had a sharp end and rough texture, which reflects that a rhamphotheca (horny beak) was present. La scoperta, straordinaria, avviene nel 1971 nel deserto del Gobi, il pi immane scrigno di dinosauri della Terra, grazie alle ottime condizioni di conservazione e all'habitat ideale che ospita per 170 milioni di anni la specie pi longeva della storia del mondo (l'homo sapiens esiste da 30 mila anni, una vergogna a confronto). The phylogenetic analysis performed by the team recovered both protoceratopsids as sister taxa, indicating that Bagaceratops and Protoceratops were anatomically and systematically related. Protoceratops is a dinosaur which lived around 71 million years ago during the end of the Mesozoic Period. Protoceratops is largely known from both members, having P. andrewsi as a dominant and representative species in the overall formation. As some individuals are closely appressed along the well-defined margin of the nest, it may have had a circular or semi-circular shapeas previously hypothetizedwith a diameter of 70cm (700mm). The articular was a smaller bone and had a concavity on its inner surface for the articulation with the quadrate. He explained that the presence of this Bagaceratops specimen in such unusual locality could be solved by: (1) the coexistence and sympatric (altogether) evolution of both Bagaceratops and Protoceratops at this one locality; (2) the rise of B. rozhdestvenskyi in a different region and eventual migration to Udyn Sayr; (3) hybridization between the two protoceratopsids given the near placement of both Bayan Mandahu and Djadokhta; (4) anagenetic (proggressive evolution) evolutionary transition from P. andrewsi to B. rozhdestvenskyi. [126], Mayor in 2001 and 2011 defended the hypothesis of Protoceratops as an influence over the griffin by citing that some other Greek histories about mythological creatures may have had their origins at the hands of fossil findings made by ancient people. In 1971, the expedition explored several localities of the Djadokhta and Nemegt formations. While Oviraptor and Protoceratops did, in fact, coexist in late Cretaceous . Such scenario indicates a possible competition with the more predatory theropods over carcasses, however, as the animal tissue ingestion was occasional and not the bulk of their diet, the energy flow in ecosystems was relatively simple. The squamosal touched the jugal (cheekbone) and was very enlarged and high having a curved end that built the borders of the frill. The large frill that skirts the skull of Protoceratops dinosaurs was more likely used as a signal to prospective mates - rather than for defense or cooling their bodies, a new study has suggested. Most bones of Protoceratops preserve a large abundance of bone fibers (including Sharpey's fibres), which likely gave strength to the organ and enhanced its elasticity. Since Protoceratops fossils are only found in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and this specimen was likely discovered during the Central Asiatic Expeditions, the team concluded that this skull was probably acquired by the Delft University between 1940 and 1972 as part of a collection transfer. The skull is also what makes Triceratops so memorable, with its bony frill and three . [60], David J. Button and Lindsay E. Zanno in 2019 performed a large phylogenetic analysis based on skull biomechanical charactersprovided by 160 Mesozoic dinosaur speciesto analyze the multiple emergences of herbivory among non-avian dinosaurs. [22] The authors Brenda J. Chinnery and Jhon R. Horner in 2007 during their description of Cerasinops stated that Bainoceratops, along with other dubious genera, was determined to be either a variant or immature specimen of other genera. It bore up to 12-14 alveoli on its top margin. [70], In 2008, based on the occurrence of some Protoceratops specimens in fluvial (river-deposited) sediments from the Djadokhta Formation and heterocoelous (vertebral centra that are saddle-shaped at both ends) caudal vertebrae of protoceratopsids, Tereshchenko concluded that the elevated caudal spines are a swimming adaptation. [5][19], The lower jaw of Protoceratops was a large element composed of the predentary, dentary, coronoid, angular and surangular. However, the discovery of Protoceratops' eggs fossilised in sandy pits in desert areas of China and Mongolia proved that theory wrong. The jaw morphology of Protoceratopsmore suitable for processing plant materialand its extreme abundance indicate it was not a predator, so if it was a diurnal animal, then it would have been expected to have a much smaller sclerotic ring size. They had a prominent parrot-like beak at the tip of the jaws. Protoceratops was a herbivore, living in the late Cretaceous of China and Mongolia. Protoceratops will possibly be able to burrow in The Isle, since it's seen living in burrows on official . [7] During the 1960s to 1970s, Polish-Mongolian and Russian-Mongolian paleontological expeditions collected new, partial to complete specimens of Protoceratops at this locality, making this dinosaur species a common occurrence in Tugriken Shireh. They also considered possible that populations of Velociraptor were aware of crouching behaviors in Protoceratops during high-energy sandstorms and used it for successful hunts. Their neural spines were smaller than the first three vertebrae and the development of the capitular facet diminished from the fourth cervical onwards. He largely considered elongatoolithid eggs to belong to Protoceratops because adult skeletons were found in close proximity to nests, interpreting this as an evidence for parental care. During burial, the animals were most likely not completely restricted in their movements at all, given that the individuals of MPC-D 100/526 are in relatively normal life positions and have not been disturbed. The use of the frill as a displaying structure may be related to other anatomical features of Protoceratops such as the premaxillary teeth (at least for P. andrewsi) which could have been used in display or intraspecific combat, or the high neural spines of tail. The nasal was generally rounded but some individuals had a sharp nasal boss (a feature that has been called "nasal horn"). Because of the energy necessary to maintain a larger eyeball and the weakness of the skull that corresponds with a larger orbit, Longrich argues that this structure may have been an adaptation for a nocturnal lifestyle. Sowiak and team also suggested that the flat and wide hand unguals (claw bone) of Protoceratops may have been useful for moving on loose terrain (such as sand) without sinking. The most intimidating parts of the otherwise gentle Protoceratops were its teeth, beak and jaws, which this dinosaur used to clip, tear and chew the tough vegetation of its central Asian habitat. Protoceratops was a small dinosaur that ate plants. As this behavior would have been common in Protoceratops, it predisposed individuals to become entombed alive during the sudden collapse of their burrows and high energy sand-bearing eventssuch as sandstormsand thus explaining the standing in-situ posture of some specimens. Their neural spines were broad, not coosified, and rather consistent in length. SummaryStats. Most of the sacral ribs were fused into the sacrum, and had a rather curved shape. Protoceratops (/protosrtps/; lit. [9] In 1990 the Russian paleontologist Sergei Mikhailovich Kurzanov referred additional material from Hermiin Tsav to P. kozlowskii. The centra were heterocoelous (saddle-shaped at both facets). It shared it's habitat with other dinosaurs like Therizinosaurus and Velociraptor. A green oasis has popped up in Hanoi, a city choked by smog. These results suggest that they functioned as socio-sexual dominance signals, or, they were mostly used in display. Several of the embryos were associated with a black to white halo (circumference). ; Vincent Tong and Aaron Harris as Crash and Eddie, respectively: Twin prankster opossum . [68], In 2011 during the description of Koreaceratops, Yuong-Nam Lee and colleagues found the above swimming hypotheses hard to prove based on the abundance of Protoceratops in eolian (wind-deposited) sediments that were deposited in prominent arid environments. Although previously suggested for P. hellenikorhinus, the team argued that the sample used for this species was not sufficient, and given that sexual dimorphism was not recovered in P. andrewsi, it is unlikely that it occurred in P. [97] Dominant sediments at Djadokhta include dominant reddish-orange and pale orange to light gray, medium to fine-grained sands and sandstones, caliche, and sparse fluvial (river-deposited) processes. Like other ceratops, lived in a terrestrial habitat. Protoceratops is an upcoming ceratopsian coming to The Isle. The team concluded that the frill of Protoceratops can be characterized by these ontogenetic changes. Mesopic (cathemeral) animalswhich are irregularly active throughout the day and nightare between these two ranges. More specifically, Mikhailov stated that P. sincerum and P. minimum were laid by Protoceratops, and P. fluxuosum by Breviceratops. First group includes individuals with a well-developed bony ridge on the lateral surface of the squamosal bone, and the posterior border of the squamosal is backwards oriented. The chest cavity of Velociraptor MPC-D100/54. Dinosaurios. As a last effort, the Protoceratops bit the right hand of the predator and trapped it beneath its own weight, causing the eventual death and desiccation of the Velociraptor. Some elements were damaged in the process such as the rostrum. Lastly, he noted that both males and females had not significant disparity in body size, and that sexual maturity in Protoceratops could be recognised at the moment when males can be distinguished from females. Protoceratops was a predecessor of the more familiar horned dinosaurs such as Triceratops. [5][44][45], The vertebral column of Protoceratops had 9 cervical (neck), 12 dorsal (back), 8 sacral (pelvic) and over 40 caudal (tail) vertebrae. Protoceratops were hunted by Velociraptor, and one particularly famous specimen (the Fighting Dinosaurs) preserves a pair of them locked in combat. El Protoceratops fue de alguna forma el primer ceratopsiano real. China)", "Hands, feet and behaviour in Pinacosaurus (Dinosauria: Ankylosauridae)", "New exceptionally well-preserved specimens of "Zangerlia" neimongolensis from Bayan Mandahu, Inner Mongolia, and their taxonomic significance", "New Genus and Species of Djadochtatheriid Multituberculate (Allotheria, Mammalia) from the Upper Cretaceous Bayan Mandahu Formation of Inner Mongolia", "New Stratigraphic Subdivision, Depositional Environment, and Age Estimate for the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation, Southern Ulan Nur Basin, Mongolia", 10.1206/0003-0082(2005)498[0001:NSSDEA]2.0.CO;2, "The Geology of Ukhaa Tolgod (Djadokhta Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Nemegt Basin, Mongolia)", "First Ornithomimid (Theropoda, Ornithomimosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation of Tgrgiin Shiree, Mongolia", "Synchrotron scanning reveals amphibious ecomorphology in a new clade of bird-like dinosaurs", "A review of the Mongolian Cretaceous dinosaur Saurornithoides (Troodontidae, Theropoda)", "A New Specimen of Shuvuuia deserti Chiappe et al., 1998, from the Mongolian Late Cretaceous with a Discussion of the Relationships of Alvarezsaurids to Other Theropod Dinosaurs", "A Large Alvarezsaurid from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia", "New Minotaurasaurus material from the Djodokta Formation establishes new taxonomic and stratigraphic criteria for the taxon", "A New Skull of Gobipteryx minuta (Aves: Enantiornithes) from the Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert", 10.1206/0003-0082(2001)346<0001:ANSOGM>2.0.CO;2, "The Morphology and Phylogenetic Position of Apsaravis ukhaana from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia", 10.1206/0003-0082(2002)387<0001:TMAPPO>2.0.CO;2, "A New Dromaeosaurid Theropod from Ukhaa Tolgod (mngov, Mongolia)", 10.1206/0003-0082(2006)3545[1:ANDTFU]2.0.CO;2, "Two new oviraptorids (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Late Cretaceous Djadokta Formation, Ukhaa Tolgod", 10.1671/0272-4634(2001)021[0209:TNOTOU]2.0.CO;2, "Osteology and Relationships of Byronosaurus jaffei (Theropoda: Troodontidae)", 10.1206/0003-0082(2003)402<0001:oarobj>;2, "Osteology of a New Late Cretaceous Troodontid Specimen from Ukhaa Tolgod, mngovi Aimag, Mongolia", "Modularity and heterochrony in the evolution of the ceratopsian dinosaur frill", "A Basal Dromaeosaurid and Size Evolution Preceding Avian Flight", "Taxonomic re-evaluation of Protoceratops (Dinosauria: Ceratopsia) specimens from Udyn Sayr, Mongolia", "Insect? ; Justina Machado as Zee: A striped polecat who was a former member of Buck's superhero team. The coracoids were relatively elliptical, and sometimes coosified (fused) to the scapulae. ", "A new leptoceratopsid dinosaur from Maastrichtian-aged deposits of the Sustut Basin, northern British Columbia, Canada", "Neural Spine Elongation in Dinosaurs: Sailbacks or Buffalo-Backs? [72], Tereschhenko in 2013 examined the structure of the caudal vertebrae spines of Protoceratops, concluding that it had adaptations for terrestrial and aquatic habits.